2020 Mutual Aid Support

March 26, 2025

June 24, 2020

2020 Grantee, Performing Statistics, Mark Strandquist/Kate DeCiccio, #FreeOurYouth Poster Campaign, 2020.

In May 2020, in response to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on artists and their communities, Art Matters supported eight artist-led mutual aid efforts (see full list below), each receiving 5K, for our first round of funding in 2020.

All of this mutual-aid work is in direct response to the COVD-19 pandemic through a variety of approaches: direct front line service, advocacy, and dissemination of information through signage, artworks, and translation. They are delivered via 501c(3) organizations, grassroots entities, and individual efforts.

Collectively these eight represent the diversity of national, regional, and local responses artists are making within their communities to the COVID-19 pandemic. The projects address the disparity of access to support and care for the most vulnerable: incarcerated populations, Indigenous communities, undocumented, immunocompromised and/or disabled people, and Queer/Trans/Black/Indigenous/People of Color (QTBIPOC).

The range of actions we’ve recognized resonate with our values and our mission, demonstrating what we’ve always known to be true: artists are often among the first to respond to their communities in times of crisis.

Thank you for your work:

Artists & Allies, Detroit, MI Local response-PPE for healthcare workers.

Crenshaw Dairy Mart, (Grantee Patrisse Cullors involved), Los Angeles, CA. Regional response - money for artists working on decarceration.

Guadalupe Maravilla, (Multi-year Grantee), Brooklyn, NYC. Local response - relief money and food for undocumented communities.

House Lives Matter, New York, NY. National response - relief money for the House and Ballroom community.

Indigenous Action, Flagstaff, AZ. National response - multiple actions for Indigenous communities.

New Mexico Craft Responders, (Grantee Szu-Han Ho involved), Albuquerque, NM. Regional response - PPE for essential workers.

Performing Statistics, Richmond, Virginia. National response - multiple actions towards youth decarceration.

As well as one group that has requested to remain anonymous.

And thank you to the countless others doing crucial mutual aid work at this time.

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