Blights Out


"Open House", a series of architectural charrettes in the Upper Tremé neighborhood in New Orleans that envisions its development.


We are a collaborative inspired to unite natives of and newcomers to New Orleans in the design of anew model for development that shares the tools for locals to build the destinies of their own neighborhoods. By working collectively in an experiential learning process, we seek to demystify and democratize development for ourselves and the city-at-large, offering our process as a transparent and accessible model for replication. Our experiential method of “performing architecture” asks: “what are the sensibilities of place; where is the soul of a home?”, “what is ownership; where are the commons?”, “what is community; what inspires people to unite in action?”, and “how do we meet the needs of a neighborhood outside of a profit-driven framework?” These considerations guide us through the purchase, restoration, and transformation of a blighted structure into a home base for creative action on issues of blight, gentrification, and housing affordability.

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