Intisar Abioto
Artist2Artist Fellowship
Storytelling, dreams, history, memory, geography, and choreography are at the root of my practice. My mediums are cross-disciplinary. The tools are what can be found at hand. I was a dancer, first; a writer, second; a photographer, third; and a human body wending her way through space and time always. This sense of the body in space .. both sensing and affecting the landscape is my way. This is choreography. This, too, is the body aware of all her sensors and in every direction. This, too, is precognition .. to hear the story that could be from all around you.. all that is known and unknown, immediately sensed and not. If a photograph is a stamp, one packet in time's knowledge, then this is a weaving of information across geographic and temporal existence. I hope the path taken is one of connection, an ever an emboldening of life, care, and love through our image.
Featured Image: Midnite in Color, 2021. Digital Pigment Print, 5” x 7.5.” Courtesy of the Artist.
Courtesy of the Artist.