Joseph DeLappe

Support for the first phase of "Mapping the American Empire", a multi-media project involving travel to the 150 countries where the US has troops stationed.
In all my work, the intent is to forge connections between concept, object, interaction, and a questioning/critical stance regarding issues ranging from pure aestheticism to contemporary geopolitics. The theoretical basis for my work lies in the belief that it is essential, as an artist and citizen of the world, to engage in and challenge the norms and expectations of the digital present and the larger cultural context. I seek to forge connections, explore the thoughtful processing of information, and develop exigencies that inform, provoke, and question. Ongoing efforts share an approach to critical and conceptual positioning as an artist - developing works that engage issues of memory, politics, history, physicality, and the virtual.
Featured Image: Project 929: Mapping Solar, Joseph DeLappe. Photo: Laurie A. Macfee.